Below you will find a variety of Frequently Asked Questions.

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Last Farewells is a digital platform designed to help individuals create and schedule heartfelt letters, videos, and personalized memorial pages, ensuring their final messages are shared with loved ones after their passing.

  1. Simply sign up for an account, choose the type of message you wish to create (letter, video, or memorial page), and follow the prompts to craft your message. Once completed, you can schedule its future delivery.

Yes, you can edit or update your messages at any time before they are sent out. Just log in to your account and make the necessary changes.

You have full control over your messages. You can choose to edit, postpone, or delete any message before its scheduled delivery.

Your designated messenger will notify us of your passing, triggering the release of your scheduled messages to the specified recipients.

A messenger is someone you choose to notify Last Farewells of your passing and is responsible for ensuring your prepared messages and memorial page are delivered to your loved ones as you intended. Their role is crucial; they act as the bridge between you and your recipients, initiating the release of your last letters, videos, and any other content you’ve created. By selecting a trusted messenger, you ensure that your final words find their way to those you care about, even in your absence.

You can choose anyone you trust to act as your messenger, such as a family member, close friend, or legal advisor.

Free accounts can create a limited number of messages, while premium accounts offer unlimited letters, 10 video and 10 audio messages, the ability to schedule beyond one year, and access to more robust memorial page features as they are released

Upgrading is easy—just click on the “Upgrade” option within your account settings and follow the instructions to complete your payment.

Include anything that feels important to you—words of love, life lessons, apologies, or hopes for the future.

Currently, we support English, with plans to expand to over 100 languages and dialects to make our platform accessible to everyone.

To ensure your messages reach your loved ones, even if your designated messenger passes away before you, consider the following steps:

Update Messenger Information Regularly: Keep your messenger’s contact details up to date in our system to avoid any delivery issues.

Nominate Multiple Messengers: Appoint more than one messenger. This way, if one messenger is unable to fulfill their role, another can step in to ensure your messages are delivered as intended.

  1. Yes, you can create messages without nominating a messenger. However, without a designated messenger, the delivery of these messages won’t be possible.

While we strive to ensure every message is delivered to its intended recipient, there are several factors at play, including the recipient’s willingness to accept the message, the messengers will need to notify us of a user’s passing. If a recipient chooses not to accept a message, we will securely hold the message for one year, giving them ample time to reconsider. After this period, if the message remains unclaimed, it will be respectfully deleted in accordance with our privacy and data retention policies. This approach balances respect for both the sender’s intentions and the recipient’s comfort and readiness to receive such messages.

The memorial page will remain publicly accessible and visible indefinitely, allowing friends and family to revisit and remember their loved one’s legacy at any time. Each memorial page is given a customized URL, which is securely delivered to the designated messenger. This ensures that those who were important to the departed can easily access and share in the memories and messages left behind.

The security and privacy of your information and content are our top priorities. We employ industry-standard encryption and robust data protection practices to safeguard your messages and personal information. While we do our utmost to ensure that your content reaches its intended recipients as planned, it’s important to note that until the designated time for release, no one, except for you, can access your messages. This commitment to confidentiality and security means you can trust that your last words and legacy are protected with us until they are ready to be shared with your loved ones.

You can reach us via email at [email protected] or through the contact form on our website. We welcome your questions and feedback.